Tussie Mussie
What is a Tussie Mussie you say? This lovely bouquet dates back to the early to mid 1800's. Originally, it was thought to ward off the plague or disease. However, the Victorian era was a time when they turned flower-giving into an art. It was common practice at the beginning of a relationship for a gentleman to give the lady a Tussie Mussie when courting. These sweet aromatic bouquets were filled with delightful cuttings from beautiful gardens that included flowers, as well as herbs with meanings such as Rosemary (remembrance) and Mrytle (Love). At FHB we have fallen in love with this unique show of affection and feel it shouldn't be limited to couples, but is a meaningful way to say, "Thinking of You", "Happy Birthday", "Congratulations" or "Deepest Sympathy", to anyone that you wish to fill with JOY!
We have taken this Tussie Mussie one step further by including a vase for display and nourishment purposes. When the blumes are starting to wither, simply hang it upside down and let it dry for a few weeks. It can be displayed as is, or trim the blumes to make them into potpourri. We also include a vial of essential oil to sprinkle on your keepsake blumes. Out of town? That's ok, we can ship it too!